Cabin Accommodation
Over the past few years, the GVR major works program has delivered a number of permanent accommodation cabins and the necessary associated utilities. This has transformed the Retreat from being just a run-down schoolhouse into a comfortable, welcoming haven for veterans and their families. This picture shows the amazing transformation.
The original schoolhouse is Building A. Cabin accommodation is in buildings B,C,E,F & G.
Cabins typically provide comfortable single and multiple occupancy bedrooms and some with private lounge facilities. Cabin E has a fully functioning ensuite, while the two G cabins have ensuite facilities not in service, awaiting utilities connections. The remainder of the cabins share are two community bathrooms and toilets conveniently located near the cabins and include all-abilities facilities. Currently the works program is in the final stages of upgrading the utilities site-wide. Some cabins do not yet have air-conditioning. The cabin nightly rates have been temporarily reduced accordingly.
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