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Recreational Camping

Goorambat Veterans Retreat has sites set aside for recreational Veteran visitors with RVs, Caravans, Camper Trailers or Tents. The small fees we charge are used to offset some of our utility and facilities costs.


Our on line booking system is now live. Alternatively, to book a site please call us on 0494 102 090 or email us 


The daily rate for an RV/Van/Camper Trailer with water and power is $28 per day for a van/couple + $5/day for each additional person.


Camping with use of the facilities is $18 per site per day for a couple + $5/day for each additional person.

There is no charge for children under 5.  Dogs on leash are welcome.​​​​​​​​​

Location key +RV.jpg

** If you are a financial member of the Retreat there is a 10% discount **

** If you are a volunteer at the Retreat there is no charge for the days you are volunteering **

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